
Hi everyone, Natalie Bramble here. I wanted to chat with you today about the logic model. What is also called program logic? This method was designed as a way for you to logically think through what it is that you’re trying to do be it a project a program or a service. It can also be used for things like infrastructure projects as well. Basically anything that you’re doing that has an intangible element to it. It’s a really valuable tool for that because you get to explore those things like building confidence as well as those more tangible aspects like economic impact. So it is a really great process for you to go through and it also helps you with those business cases and Grant applications you’re doing. So let’s get started. Let’s have a look at the logic model. I’ll give you an overview of that and then we’re going to do an example and you’ll have a downloadable template under the video. You’ll be able to download and complete for your project as we move through each of these videos.

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